Kolloquium: Forschungskolloquium Amerikanistik - Details
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Allgemeine Informationen

Veranstaltungsname Kolloquium: Forschungskolloquium Amerikanistik
Veranstaltungsnummer 022 200 0010
Semester WS 2022/23
Aktuelle Anzahl der Teilnehmenden 0
Heimat-Einrichtung Amerikanistik
Veranstaltungstyp Kolloquium in der Kategorie Lehre
Erster Termin Dienstag, 18.10.2022 17:30 - 19:00, Ort: (D, 1087a)
Online/Digitale Veranstaltung Veranstaltung wird in Präsenz abgehalten.
Hauptunterrichtssprache englisch

Räume und Zeiten

(D, 1087a)
Dienstag: 17:30 - 19:00, wöchentlich (16x)


In this colloquium, we discuss theoretical and literary publications in the field of American Studies; each semester, we define a specific focus of our inquiry. Past foci included, for instance, "Displacement, Citizenship, and Law" or "Democracy in America". The topic for the winter term will be determined shortly. The colloquium meets during the semester and closes with a block session in which participants can present their projects.

NAS students interested in participation please register via email. Your project presentation in the contex of this colloquium will take place during the block session, but please note that you are expected to participate in our discussions throughout the semester.


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