Enrolment: Distribution of Method Courses for Materials Science, MSE and Physics Students (summer term 2024) - Details

Enrolment: Distribution of Method Courses for Materials Science, MSE and Physics Students (summer term 2024) - Details

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General information

Course name Enrolment: Distribution of Method Courses for Materials Science, MSE and Physics Students (summer term 2024)
Subtitle Distribution of Method Courses for Materials Science and MSE Students
Semester SS 2024
Current number of participants 40
expected number of participants 100
Home institute Institut für Physik
participating institutes Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlich-Technische Fakultät
Courses type Enrolment in category Teaching
Type/Form Enrolment for Method Courses
Hauptunterrichtssprache englisch
ECTS points 8 ECTS/LP for each method cours

Rooms and times

No room preference


Since the number of participants in the method courses is limited the enrolment for each course takes place via a general distribution. Here you can make choices for your two preferred method courses (1st choice and 2nd choice). If a course is overbooked, the final distribution will depend on a randomized procedure to ensure equal chances for all participants and will be announced.

The course registration will be open from 20.02.24 until 07.04.24.

Method Courses in the summer semester 2024:

• Method Course: Computational Biophysics (Prof. Schwierz) - 15 participants
• Method Course: Methods in Bioanalytics (Prof. Bahnemann) - 9 participants
• Method Course: Electron Microscopy (Prof. Haider) - 9 participants
• Method Course: Infrared Microspectroscopy under Pressure (Prof. Kuntscher) - 4 participants
• Method Course: Spectroscopy of Organic Semiconductors (Prof. Brütting, Dr. Hofmann) - 4 participants
-> Basic knowledge in Materials Physics required (e.g. lecture "Materials Physics" or similar)
• Method Course: Magnetic and Superconducting Materials (Prof. Gegenwart) - 6 participants
• Method Course: Charge doping effects in semiconductors (Dr. Prodan) - 8 participants
• Method Course: Tools for Scientific Computing (Prof. Ingold) - 6 participants
-> Previous knowledge of programming required
• Method Course: Theoretical Concepts and Simulation (Prof. Chioncel) - 8 participants
• Method Course: Electronics for Physicists and Materials Scientists (Dr. Hörner) - 25 participants
• Method Course: Research Challenges in Biophysics (Prof. Weber) - 25 participants
-> only in Master Physics

The courses will be hosted in digicampus, too. Details on the contents of the courses can be found in the handbooks of modules:

Admission settings

The course is part of admission "Zeitgesteuerte Anmeldung: Distribution of Method Courses for Materials Science, MSE and Physics Students (summer term 2024)".
The following rules apply for the admission:
  • The enrolment is possible from 20.02.2024, 12:00 to 07.04.2024, 23:59.

Registration mode

The enrolment is binding, participants cannot unsubscribe themselves.