Seminar: Seminar on Glass Physics - Details
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Veranstaltungsname Seminar: Seminar on Glass Physics
Veranstaltungsnummer PHM-0096
Semester SS 2024
Aktuelle Anzahl der Teilnehmenden 3
erwartete Teilnehmendenanzahl 10
Heimat-Einrichtung Lehrstuhl für Experimentalphysik V
Veranstaltungstyp Seminar in der Kategorie Lehre
Vorbesprechung Dienstag, 16.04.2024 16:30 - 17:15
Erster Termin Dienstag, 16.04.2024 16:30 - 17:15, Ort: (Raum 403 Physik Süd/EKM)
Teilnehmende Master students in physics
Voraussetzungen Knowledge of condensed-matter physics.
Leistungsnachweis Talk with discussion (ca. 60 min)
Online/Digitale Veranstaltung Veranstaltung wird in Präsenz abgehalten.
Hauptunterrichtssprache englisch
Literaturhinweise H. Scholze, Glas: Natur, Struktur und Eigenschaften (Springer, Berlin, 1988).
S.R. Elliott, Physics of Amorphous Materials (Longman, London, 1990).
R. Zallen, The Physics of Amorphous Solids (Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 1998).
J. Zarzycki (ed.), Material Science and Technology, Vol. 9: Glasses and Amorphous Materials (VCH,
Weinheim, 1991).
J. Zarzycki, Glasses and the Vitreous State (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1991).
A. Schaeffer, R Langfeld: Werkstoff Glas
Lecture notes "Physik der Gläser" (will be uploaded to Digicampus after semester start)
Additional literature will be provided according to the topic of the talk.
ECTS-Punkte 4

Räume und Zeiten

(Raum 403 Physik Süd/EKM)
Dienstag, 16.04.2024 16:30 - 17:15



Glasses belong to the oldest materials used by mankind. Nowadays glasses are materials of paramount technological importance and almost ubiquitous in our daily live, not only in the classical fields (e.g., windows, bottles), but also in more recent applications as, e.g., communication technique (optical fibres) or energy storage (ionic conductors in batteries). Despite a long history of glass research, the transition from the liquid to the glassy state of matter still is considered as one of the great unresolved problems of condensed matter physics. In the present seminar, some advanced topics of modern glass physics and materials science shall be treated.


Relaxation phenomena: alpha- and beta-relaxation and their theoretical explanations
Fast processes: experiment and theory
Microscopic models of the glass transition
Aging phenomena in glasses
Non-structural glasses: Model systems for the glass transition
Mechanisms of ionic conductivity
Electrons in glasses
Low-temperature anomalies and tunneling model


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