Allgemeine Informationen
Veranstaltungsname | Vorlesung + Übung: Health Care Operations Management |
Veranstaltungsnummer | WIW-5089 |
Semester | SS 2024 |
Aktuelle Anzahl der Teilnehmenden | 75 |
erwartete Teilnehmendenanzahl | 300 |
Heimat-Einrichtung | Prof. Dr. Sebastian Schiffels - Digital Health and Medical Decision Making |
beteiligte Einrichtungen | Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät |
Veranstaltungstyp | Vorlesung + Übung in der Kategorie Lehre |
Erster Termin | Dienstag, 16.04.2024 10:00 - 11:30, Ort: (J1106) |
Voraussetzungen |
(Advanced) knowledge in Operations Management, Mathematics (including Linear Programming), and Statistics, knowlegde in optimization (e.g. OPL)/simulation (e.g. Arena) software is an advantage |
Lernorganisation | At the end of the module, the students are familiar with the standard problems and models in Health Care Operations Management. They are able to model problems and to solve these models with appropriate mathematical methods. This enables them to analyze Health Care Operations Management problems and to make sound decisions in the field of health care operations management |
Leistungsnachweis | Written exam |
Veranstaltung findet in Präsenz statt / hat Präsenz-Bestandteile | Ja |
Hauptunterrichtssprache | englisch |
Sonstiges | This course will be closed after the semester start due to copyright of research papers. If you want to join the course during the semester, send an e-mail to |