Vorlesung + Übung: Algebraic Geometry I - Details
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Veranstaltungsname Vorlesung + Übung: Algebraic Geometry I
Veranstaltungsnummer MTH-1480
Semester WS 2018/19
Aktuelle Anzahl der Teilnehmenden 8
Heimat-Einrichtung Algebra und Zahlentheorie
beteiligte Einrichtungen Institut für Mathematik
Veranstaltungstyp Vorlesung + Übung in der Kategorie Lehre
Voraussetzungen There are no particular pre-requisites apart bachelor-level knowledge of general topology, abstract algebra (familiarity with rings, fields, etc.) and linear algebra. Some previous notions of commutative algebra may be helpful, but everything needed will be recalled during the lectures.

Although not strictly necessary, a good pre-reading for the course is Miles Reid's little blue book Undergraduate Algebraic Geometry (London Mathematical Society Student Texts)
Lernorganisation The lectures are based on my own notes, which will be made available on digicampus along the semester. Throughout the text there are a number of "Exercises" which are meant for self-testing one own's comprehension of the material. These exercises are not mandatory, but one who is willing to understand the material should do at least half of them. If you spot typos/mistakes in the notes please tell me!

Coming to class: just come to the lectures if you think they are useful for you!!! If you don't come and prefer working on your own that it perfectly OK for me (you still have to submit your Homework though).

Homework: on the last page of each lecture (in the notes) there are 2 exercises labeled "Homework". After the lecture takes place, the Homework exercises are due by the following Thursday at 12:12 Uhr. There are usually 2 lectures per week, whence 4 exercises per week.
Homework must only be sent to me via email in pdf format (preferably LaTeX, but a handwritten scan is OK as far as it's readable). The email Subject should be in the format:
"algebraic geometry I - Homework x"
with x=1,2,3, etc. The email body can be left empty (but make sure your name appears somewhere!).
Homework can (and should) be done in small groups, but each student must submit his own version.
How to do the Homework: you do not have to prove every single statement you make. You don't have to be too formal. Use more words than symbols. Describing/sketching the idea behind the argument is the best way to do it. If you can not solve an exercise it is OK to just write down your attempts/thoughts about it.

Problem sheets: a few problem sheets (probably 3) will be given throughout the semester. These are NOT meant to be sent to me, but rather should be just done in private (or in group). They are meant to be food for the mind. The oral exam will typically start with the discussion of one of these problems.

Oral exam: after the end of the semester each student who has submitted at least 3/4 of the total amount of Homework exercises can request an oral exam. This can be done whenever you want throughout the next year. Write me an email at least 10 days in advance and we will fix an appointment.
What will we discuss about during the oral exam: we will go through the material in the notes, mostly definitions, examples and theorems as well as possibly discussing some problems from the "Problem sheets".
Leistungsnachweis The final score counts as follows: Homework 30%. Oral exam 70%.
Online/Digitale Veranstaltung Veranstaltung wird online/digital abgehalten.
Hauptunterrichtssprache englisch
Literaturhinweise I will be following the following (!):

- R. Hartshorne "Algebraic Geometry"
- J. Harris "Algebraic geometry, a first course"
- R. Vakil "The rising sea: foundations of algebraic geometry"
- A. Gathmann "Algebraic geometry" 2003/2004

I am omitting bibliographic details above because it's 2018 and web-search works.
If you can't find one of these texts just tell me.
ECTS-Punkte 9

Räume und Zeiten

Do. u. Fr. 12:15--13:45 Raum 2004 (L1)


Algebraic geometry occupies a central role in today's mathematics. Its interaction with fields like theoretical physics, number theory, topology and differential geometry is one of the reasons for this. Startling advances in the study of moduli spaces have been inspired by ideas from physics; the theory of elliptic curves plays a crucial role in arithmetic, while the study of the topology of real 4-dimensional manifolds is strongly connected to the classical theory of algebraic surfaces. Within algebraic geometry, there has been great progress over the last three decades especially in the study of classification of varieties of dimension three or more, the so-called Minimal Model Program, and the understanding of moduli spaces. Much of this would not have been possible without the contributions of J.P. Serre and A. Grothendieck and their school to the foundational aspects of algebraic geometry, between the 50s and 60s. Their new approach has revolutionised the field by creating a new language in which modern algebraic geometry is written.

This course aims to introduce the basic notions and techniques of modern algebraic geometry. Topics to be discussed include among other things the classical theory of affine and projective varieties, sheaves and schemes. Very early in the course we will introduce sheaves and schemes and pursue the study of algebraic varieties using this modern language. Since algebraic geometry may sometimes seem to be too abstract, strong emphasis will be placed on examples. Exercises (weekly sessions + homework assignments) will be a fundamental tool to learn this material throughout the semester.