Vorlesung + Übung: Investment Funds (Master) - Details
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Veranstaltungsname Vorlesung + Übung: Investment Funds (Master)
Semester SS 2020
Aktuelle Anzahl der Teilnehmenden 6
Heimat-Einrichtung Prof. Dr. Marco Wilkens - Finanz- und Bankwirtschaft
Veranstaltungstyp Vorlesung + Übung in der Kategorie Lehre
Voraussetzungen Please consider the following application requirements:

- successful participation or similutaneous visit of "Kapitalmarktorientierte Unternehmenssteuerung"
- successful participation of "Empirische Kapitalmarktforschung"
- basic knowledge of English
Lernorganisation You can find the course outline in the download section in digicampus.

Die Veranstaltung Investment Funds (Master) sowie das dazugehörige Seminar Advanced Topics in Investment Funds (Master) können wir im Sommersemester 2020 nicht anbieten. Diese werden dafür (einmalig) auf das kommende Wintersemester verschoben, so dass sie semesterübergreifend nicht ausfallen.
Online/Digitale Veranstaltung Veranstaltung wird nicht abgehalten.
Hauptunterrichtssprache englisch
Literaturhinweise Grinblatt, M. and Titman, S. (1993) Performance Measurement without Benchmarks: An Examination of Mutual Fund Returns. Journal of Business 66, 47-68.
Pollet, J. M. and Wilson, M. (2008) How Does Size Affect Mutual Fund Behavior? Journal of Finance 58, 2941-2969.
Rohleder, M., Scholz, H., and Wilkens, M. (2012) Bond Fund Disappearance: What's return got to do with it? Unpublished Working Paper (under review).
Rohleder, M., Scholz, H., and Wilkens, M. (2011) Survivorship Bias and Mutual Fund Performance: Relevance, Significance, and Methdodical Differences. Review of Finance 15, 441-474.
Sonstiges Topics:
- Performance Measurment
- Asset Allocation
- Management Compensation
- Behavioral Biases
- Basic Methods in Empirical Finance

Räume und Zeiten

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Investment funds are the most important financial products for private and institutional investors. In Germany, 1.5 trillion EUR are invested into different types of investment funds. This number corresponds to 84 % of total money invested in the capital market (BVI statistic 31.03.2012) and to 53 % of the German GDP (Statistisches Bundesamt 2012). Thus, a profound knowledge of these products and the involved institutions is essential for finance students, practitioners and researchers.
In the course "Investment Funds" students will acquire profound knowledge of different kinds and
particularities of investment funds (e.g., mutual funds, hedge funds), the funds' regulatory framework and
state-of-the-art methods to assess their performance.