Hauptseminar: Teaching Reading: from Chunk to Tragedy - Details
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Allgemeine Informationen

Veranstaltungsname Hauptseminar: Teaching Reading: from Chunk to Tragedy
Semester WS 2019/20
Aktuelle Anzahl der Teilnehmenden 1
maximale Teilnehmendenanzahl 15
Heimat-Einrichtung Didaktik des Englischen
Veranstaltungstyp Hauptseminar in der Kategorie Lehre
Erster Termin Montag, 14.10.2019 11:45 - 13:15, Ort: (D 2130)
Voraussetzungen Ablegung von Basis- und Aufbaumodul
Lernorganisation will be named during term
Leistungsnachweis term paper
Online/Digitale Veranstaltung Veranstaltung wird online/digital abgehalten.
Hauptunterrichtssprache englisch

Räume und Zeiten

(D 2130)
Montag: 11:45 - 13:15, wöchentlich (14x)


This seminar is aiming at a deeper understanding of the concept of “text” and how to develop the necessary skills to grapple with the latter in any teaching environment of TEFL.
From closed guidance in the phase of language acquisition to competent and independent use of any literary text – thus the progression would run if shortly put. How to organise this will be the focus of this seminar. Procedural knowledge such as reading strategies just as much as declarative knowledge and positive attitudes are to be acquired by learners – a demanding task that needs to be thought through and well organised.
Lastly, students should have a go at teaching relevant parts of this process by preparing a short lesson project, which will ultimately be the basis of their short term paper.


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  • Diese Regel gilt von 03.09.2019 00:00 bis 27.09.2019 23:59.
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  • Die Anmeldung ist möglich von 03.09.2019, 08:00 bis 27.09.2019, 23:59.
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