Vorlesung + Übung: Management Information Systems (dt. Wirtschaftsinformatik) - Details

Vorlesung + Übung: Management Information Systems (dt. Wirtschaftsinformatik) - Details

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General information

Course name Vorlesung + Übung: Management Information Systems (dt. Wirtschaftsinformatik)
Semester WS 2022/23
Current number of participants 258
Home institute Prof. Dr. Daniel Veit – Betriebswirtschaftslehre mit Schwerpunkt Information Systems und Management
Courses type Vorlesung + Übung in category Teaching
First date Thursday, 20.10.2022 14:00 - 15:30, Room: (Sigma-Park: Hörsaal)
Type/Form Bachelor
Participants NOTE FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS: the courses "Management Information Systems" and "Information Systems and Business Modeling" CANNOT be combined
Pre-requisites Recommended semester: 3rd semester and above
Learning organisation Contact person: Adeline Frenzel-Piasentin (adeline.frenzel@uni-a.de) / Jan Münch (jan.muench@uni-a.de)
Performance record Exam (90 min.) is offered every semester
Veranstaltung findet in Präsenz statt / hat Präsenz-Bestandteile Yes
Hauptunterrichtssprache englisch
Literaturhinweise Laudon und Laudon (2021): Management Information Systems, Global Edition 17/e, Pearson
Laudon, Laudon and Schoder (2015): Wirtschaftsinformatik, 3/e, ISBN: 9783868942699, Pearson Deutschland
Further readings will be given in the lecturing materials
Miscellanea The module communicates the fundamentals of information systems. Upon the successful completion of this module, students can differentiate between types of information systems. They are aware of the tools or processes of IT project and business process management. Students have an understanding of the impacts of information systems on firms and society and are able to discuss their consequences for strategic decision making. They are also able to critically reflect on the associated challenges. As a result, students have the fundamental skills and abilities necessary to make informed strategic and operational IT management decisions and to understand their implications for a variety of stakeholders.

Rooms and times

(Sigma-Park: Hörsaal)
Thursday: 14:00 - 15:30, weekly (13x)


- Course Introduction
- Introduction to MIS
- Information Systems & Strategy
- Information Systems & Organization
- Sourcing IS
- Managing IT Projects
- Managing Business Processes
- Databases
- Knowledge Management & Business Intelligence
- Social Issues of IS
- Securing & Governing IS
- Revision and Outlook

Admission settings

The course is part of admission "MIS".
The following rules apply for the admission:
  • This setting is active from 01.09.2022 00:01 to 04.03.2023 23:59.
    At least one of these conditions must be fulfilled for enrolment:
    • Subject is Informationsorientierte Betriebswirtschaftslehre
    • Subject is Mathematik
    • Subject is Volkswirtschaftslehre
    • Subject is Informationsorientierte Volkswirtschaftslehre
    • Subject is Mathematik
    • Subject is Volkswirtschaftslehre
    • Subject is Physik M.Sc. [inaktiv seit 10.08.2023]
    • Subject is Rechts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften
    • Subject is Physik
    • Subject is Wirtschaftsmathematik
    • Subject is Betriebswirtschaftslehre
    • Subject is Informationsorientierte BWL
    • Subject is Austauschstudium WiWi
  • The enrolment is possible from 01.09.2022, 00:01 to 04.03.2023, 23:59.

Registration mode

After enrolment, participants will manually be selected.

Potential participants are given additional information before enroling to the course.