Oberseminar: Klimawandel, Extremereignisse und Konfliktforschung - Climate change, extreme events and conflicts - Details

Oberseminar: Klimawandel, Extremereignisse und Konfliktforschung - Climate change, extreme events and conflicts - Details

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Veranstaltungsname Oberseminar: Klimawandel, Extremereignisse und Konfliktforschung - Climate change, extreme events and conflicts
Veranstaltungsnummer 7673
Semester SS 2024
Aktuelle Anzahl der Teilnehmenden 4
maximale Teilnehmendenanzahl 7
Heimat-Einrichtung Institut für Geographie
beteiligte Einrichtungen Klimaresilienz von Kulturökosystemen
Veranstaltungstyp Oberseminar in der Kategorie Lehre
Vorbesprechung Montag, 05.02.2024 13:15 - 14:00
Erster Termin Montag, 05.02.2024 13:15 - 14:00, Ort: (2216/I)
Veranstaltung findet in Präsenz statt / hat Präsenz-Bestandteile Ja
Hauptunterrichtssprache deutsch
Weitere Unterrichtssprache(n) Englisch
Literaturhinweise Relevant literature:

Buhaug, H., 2014. Concealing agreements over climate–conflict results. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111, E636–E636. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1323773111

Buhaug, H., 2010. Climate not to blame for African civil wars. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 107, 16477–16482. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1005739107

Burke, M.B., Miguel, E., Satyanath, S., Dykema, J. a, Lobell, D.B., 2009. Warming increases the risk of civil war in Africa. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 106, 20670–20674. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.0907998106

de Sherbinin, A., Sherbinin, A.D., 2014. Climate change hotspots mapping: what have we learned? Climatic Change 123, 23–37. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10584-013-0900-7

Hsiang, S.M., Burke, M., Miguel, E., 2013. Quantifying the Influence of Climate on Human Conflict. Science 341, 1235367. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.1235367

Hsiang, S.M., Meng, K.C., 2014. Reconciling disagreement over climate-conflict results in Africa. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2–5. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1316006111

Mach, K.J., Kraan, C.M., Adger, W.N., Buhaug, H., Burke, M., Fearon, J.D., Field, C.B., Hendrix, C.S., Maystadt, J.-F., O’Loughlin, J., Roessler, P., Scheffran, J., Schultz, K.A., von Uexkull, N., 2019. Climate as a risk factor for armed conflict. Nature 571, 193–197. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-019-1300-6

Scheffran, J., Battaglini, A., 2011. Climate and conflicts: the security risks of global warming. Regional Environmental Change 11, 27–39.

Scheffran, J., Schilling, J., Link, M.P., 2012. Theories and Models of Climate-Security Interaction: Framework and Application to a Climate Hot Spot in North Africa, in: Scheffran, J., Brzoska, M., Brauch, H.G., Link, P.M., Schilling, J. (Eds.), Climate Change, Human Security and Violent Conflict. Challenges for Social Stability. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 91–131.

Zscheischler, J. et al. Future climate risk from compound events. Nature Clim Change 8, 469–477 (2018).

Hendrix, C. S., Koubi, V., Selby, J., Siddiqi, A. & von Uexkull, N. Climate change and conflict. Nat Rev Earth Environ 4, 144–148 (2023).
Sonstiges As climate change intensifies, resource scarcity, displacement, and extreme weather events can exacerbate conflicts. By understanding this relationship, we can develop strategies to mitigate violence and promote sustainable peace in an increasingly vulnerable world. Climate change and conflict is an excellent topic for understanding the interplay between environmental factors, socio-economic development and legal frameworks.

The focus of the seminar will be on selected climatological topics such as extreme events, teleconnections, and compound extreme events, and an integration with debates in other discplines such as legal considerations (legal frameworks, conflict resolution, environmental regulations, climate justice, policy and advocacy), climatic drivers and their impact on agriculture (droughts and water stress, food production, adaptation) and economic consequences (food prices, subsidies, initial socio-economic conditions, poverty).

Depending on previous knowledge, the learning outcomes are:

1. Awareness of Interconnectedness: Students should grasp the complex relationship between climate change and conflict, including how environmental factors can exacerbate existing tensions and lead to new conflicts.
2. Environmental Science: Gain a foundational understanding of the science behind climate change, its causes, and its effects on ecosystems and communities.
3. Policy and Law: Understand the legal and policy frameworks at local, national, and international levels related to climate change and conflict mitigation.
4. Case Studies (Middle East, Arab Spring): Analyze real-world case studies to examine how climate change has contributed to conflicts, the responses taken, and their outcomes.
5. Mitigation and Adaptation: Discuss strategies for mitigating the impact of climate change and adapting to the challenges it poses in conflict-prone regions.
6. Critical Thinking: Encourage critical thinking and research skills to evaluate the evidence, assess the validity of claims, and develop well-informed perspectives on the topic.

Räume und Zeiten

Montag: 10:00 - 11:30, wöchentlich (10x)
Montag, 05.02.2024 13:15 - 14:00
Dienstag, 23.04.2024 10:00 - 11:30
(Gastvortrag Dr Elisabeth Vogel, Geb. I Raum 2207)
Dienstag, 30.04.2024 08:15 - 09:30
Donnerstag, 27.06.2024 08:30 - 16:30
Freitag, 28.06.2024 08:30 - 16:30



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