Vorlesung + Übung: Commodity Risk Management - Details

Vorlesung + Übung: Commodity Risk Management - Details

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General information

Course name Vorlesung + Übung: Commodity Risk Management
Semester WS 2024/25
Current number of participants 87
Home institute Applied Data Analysis
Courses type Vorlesung + Übung in category Teaching
Next date Friday, 17.01.2025 08:15 - 09:45, Room: (W-1019)
Performance record Klausur
Veranstaltung findet in Präsenz statt / hat Präsenz-Bestandteile Yes
Hauptunterrichtssprache englisch
Literaturhinweise - Steiner, M./Bruns, C.: Wertpapiermanagement, Stuttgart: Schäffer-Poeschel, 2007
- Geman, H. (2005): Commodities and commodity derivatives, Chichester: John Wiley & Sons

Rooms and times

Friday: 08:15 - 09:45, weekly (11x)
Friday, 25.10.2024, Friday, 15.11.2024, Friday, 29.11.2024, Friday, 06.12.2024, Friday, 13.12.2024, Friday, 10.01.2025, Friday, 17.01.2025, Friday, 24.01.2025 15:45 - 17:15
(Klausur, Sigma Park Hörsaal)
Friday, 21.02.2025 15:30 - 16:30

Module assignments


Definitions of resource management and general necessity of risk management, with a special focus on resource risk management; characteristics of comodity trading; statistical analysis and management of commodity risks

At the end of the module students are able to understand the risks and challenges coming along with comodity trading. Furthermore students will be able to apply quantitative methods to analyse and measure comodity risks.