Exercises: Conversation Analysis - Details

Exercises: Conversation Analysis - Details

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General information

Course name Exercises: Conversation Analysis
Semester SS 2024
Current number of participants 11
maximum number of participants 20
Home institute Englische Sprachwissenschaft
Courses type Exercises in category Teaching
First date Tuesday, 16.04.2024 14:00 - 15:30, Room: (D, 2122)
Veranstaltung findet in Präsenz statt / hat Präsenz-Bestandteile Yes
Hauptunterrichtssprache englisch

Rooms and times

(D, 2122)
Tuesday: 14:00 - 15:30, weekly (13x)

Module assignments


Conversation Analysis (CA) is concerned with talk-in-interaction, i.e. the way language is used in social encounters. Up until the 1960s, ordinary conversations had been regarded as chaotic and disorderly – a view which this newly developed approach challenged. CA starts from the assumption that every aspect of interaction is potentially orderly and has to be treated in a larger sequential context.
This course wants to introduce CA by combining theoretical background with practical analysis. Thus, we will first get to know basic CA concepts, particularly the turn-taking model as established by Sacks, Schegloff and Jefferson. Their 1974 essay “A Simplest Systematics for the Organization of Turn-Taking for Conversation” can be regarded as the groundwork for CA. Apart from that our focus will be on a number of methodological aspects (and, sometimes, problems), such as data collection or transcription. After that, a variety of questions central for CA will be addressed, such as: Who speaks next in conversations? Are interactions sequenced? How are turns structured and how do speakers handle misunderstandings? Are overlaps orderly phenomena? etc. Besides everyday face-to-face encounters, other types of interaction (e.g. telephone calls or institutional interactions) will be considered as well.

Admission settings

The course is part of admission "ESW/ASW: Vertiefungsmodul BA/LA: Ü".
Studierende der Anglistik/Amerikanistik und des Faches Englisch können sich bereits während der vorgezogenen Anmeldephase zur Sicherstellung des Studienfortschritts für die Aufbau- und Vertiefungsmodule anmelden. Hierzu wird ein gewisses Kontingent der Kursplätze im Zeitraum vom 19.02.2024 bis 28.02.2024 für die Anmeldung geöffnet. Die Verteilung der Plätze erfolgt am 01.03.2024. Bitte beachten Sie, dass in dieser Anmeldephase Studierende in höheren Fachsemestern bei der Verteilung der Plätze priorisiert werden.
Die allgemeine Anmeldephase beginnt am 04.03.2024 und endet am 08.04.2024.
The following rules apply for the admission:
  • The enrolment is possible from 04.03.2024, 08:00 to 08.04.2024, 12:00.
  • This setting is active from 04.03.2024 08:00 to 08.04.2024 12:00.
    Enrolment is allowed for up to 2 courses of the admission set.
  • A defined number of seats will be assigned to these courses.
    The seats in the affected courses have been assigned at 10.04.2024 on 12:00. Additional seats may be available via a wait list.
Assignment of courses: